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- Traders Expo — “The Money Show”
Mr. Kaufman speaks on the ways to control risk that are not used by most traders.
- Mr. Kaufman presents a 3-day seminar on “How To Develop a Successful Trading System”, in Chicago, for the Chicago Institute of Investing. Simultaneous translation into Chinese.
- Mr. Kaufman presents at the annual IFTA conference in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia.
Mr. Kaufman accepts speaking engagements, including webinars, on various subjects for presentation to financial and economic forums, corporate training courses, and university business schools.
Among his presentations have been
- “The Many Dimensions of Risk Management” University of Arkansas, Walton College/Garrison Financial Institute, October 2015
- Interview with Andrew Swanscott, BetterSystemTrader.com, June 2015
- Interview with Michael Covel, Trendfollowing.com, July 2014
- “Market Timing” MTA Symposium, New York, April 2014
- “The Impact of Global Investing on Asian Markets”(Asian Financial Forum, Hong Kong, January 2011)
- “Strategy Development” (Agence IAT Trading Show, Paris, September 2009)
- “Essentials of Strategy Development” and “Performance and Risk Metrics”(Technical Analysis Group, London, July and October 2009)
- “Theory versus Reality” (Technical Analyst Association, Toronto 2008)
- “Developing Systems” (Private group, The Netherlands 2007)
- “Intermarket Mechanics” (IFTA Lugano 2006)
- “Portfolio Allocation using Genetic Algorithms” (IFTA Madrid 2004)
- “International Financial Markets” (Baruch College 2002)
- “Trading Systems That Work” (Online Investors Expo, Las Vegas, November 2000)
- “Robust Trading Systems” (IFTA Rome and Milan, November 1998)
- “Methods for International Markets” (Dow Jones Telerate World Tour 1997)
- “Gaming the System: Profiting from Fund Flows,” Modern Trader, February 2016
- “Countertrend ETF Trading,” www.Traders-Mag.com, Dec/Jan 2016 (German and English)
- “Slope Divergence,” Technical Analysis of Stocks & Commodities, June 2014
- “An Interview with Perry Kaufman,” www.Traders-Mag.com, March 2014
- “A Better Trend,” Technical Analysis of Stocks & Commodities, March 2014
- “Market Timing with Pairs Logic,” Technical Analysis of Stocks & Commodities, February 2014
- “A Book Review and Interview with Perry Kaufman,” by Mario Valentino Guffanti, Swiss Technical Analysis Journal, Summer 2013
- “An Interview with Perry Kaufman,” The Technical Analyst (United Kingdom), May 2009
- “Crossover Relative Value Trading,” Futures, January 2009
- “Lessons Learned the Hard Way,” Futures, August 2002
- “Positioning the Greek Equities Market for International Investing,” Second World Congress of Nonlinear Analysts, July 1996, Athens, Greece.
- “Price Shocks: Reevaluating Risk/Return Expectations,” Futures Industry, July 1995.
- “Perry Kaufman on Market Analysis,” Technical Analysis of Stocks and Commodities, June 1995, reprinted 1998 bonus issue.
In 1973, Mr. Kaufman was a co-founder of The Journal of Futures Markets. Articles written by him continue to appear in industry publications.